B121: Fischer, Salomo_SF an Arthur Schnitzler 1915-1930 Originale, Seite 797

S. Fischer / Verlag / A.=G. Berlin W 57.
Bankkonto: Deutsche Bank, Depositenkasse P in Berlin / Postscheckkonto; Berlin Nr. 16692
Fernsprechanschlüsse: Amt Lützow Nr. 6162 bis 6164
Bülowstraße 90
10. Dez. 24
Herrn Dr. Arthur Schnitzler
Sehr geehrter Herr Doktor,
unser amerikanischer Vertreter in New York schreibt uns
Nachstehendes, wozu wir eventuell Ihre freundliche Stellungnahme
erbitten, um unserm vertreter gefällig sein zu können.
Mit vorzüglicher Hochachtung
...Perhaps you will remember that I have at several times
indicated an interest in Schnitzler. Just what is his statue at the
I should like to “traighten the
matter out and see if a complete definitive edition could not be
gotton out. I know there is a [?] publisher who would like
to do this. You may remember that Mr. Schnitzler himself, through his
personl proforences, quite took the things out of sur hands.
Indeed, ist is possible that arrangements for a definitive edition
have already been made direct with a publisher. If so, I can only
congratulate Mr. Schnitzler an d the publisher, because it is a
very good thing to do. If this has not been done, however, I should
be very glad to make those arrangements.
Reinerle, Almanes.
zuirn (von mert oft ein atole kann - einmal xxx alles
Seripote ut hic (wch she)