BERTHA GARLAN. A. Novel. Translated by J.H.Wisdoom
and Marr Murray.Max Goschen Ltd., London, 1914.
THE ROAD TO THE OPEN. Authorised Translation by
Horace Samuel. Howard Latimer Limited, London,
ohne Jahr.
2a.- /Neue Ausgabe :/ George Allen & Unwin Ltd., Lodo
ohne Jahr/1922/.
BEATRICE. a novel and other Stories. Trandated by
ignes Jacques and Elsie M.Lang.T.Werner Laurie
Ltd.,London,1926. /Inhalt:/ Frau Beate und ihr
Sohn-Blumen-Ein Abschied-Die Frau des Weisen-Der
Ehrentag-Die Toten schweigen.
THERESA. The Chroniole of a Womans's Life.
Conitable & Co. Ltd., London, ohne Jahr /1929
FRAEULEIN ElSE. (In der Uebersetzung von Robert
.Simon). Ganäk With drawings by Donia Nachshen.
Conitable, London, 1929. (Of this book only 1000
copies have been printed).
HHAPSODY. A Dream Novel. (In der Übersetzung von
Otto P. Schinnerer). With illustrations by Donia
Nachshen. Constable, London, 1928. (Of this book
only 1000 copies have been printed).
FLIGHT INDO PARKNESS. Translated by William A.
Drake. Casell and Company, Limited, London, Toronto,
Melbourne ans Sydney, ohne Jahr /1932/.
BERTHA GARLAN. A. Novel. Translated by J.H.Wisdoom
and Marr Murray.Max Goschen Ltd., London, 1914.
THE ROAD TO THE OPEN. Authorised Translation by
Horace Samuel. Howard Latimer Limited, London,
ohne Jahr.
2a.- /Neue Ausgabe :/ George Allen & Unwin Ltd., Lodo
ohne Jahr/1922/.
BEATRICE. a novel and other Stories. Trandated by
ignes Jacques and Elsie M.Lang.T.Werner Laurie
Ltd.,London,1926. /Inhalt:/ Frau Beate und ihr
Sohn-Blumen-Ein Abschied-Die Frau des Weisen-Der
Ehrentag-Die Toten schweigen.
THERESA. The Chroniole of a Womans's Life.
Conitable & Co. Ltd., London, ohne Jahr /1929
FRAEULEIN ElSE. (In der Uebersetzung von Robert
.Simon). Ganäk With drawings by Donia Nachshen.
Conitable, London, 1929. (Of this book only 1000
copies have been printed).
HHAPSODY. A Dream Novel. (In der Übersetzung von
Otto P. Schinnerer). With illustrations by Donia
Nachshen. Constable, London, 1928. (Of this book
only 1000 copies have been printed).
FLIGHT INDO PARKNESS. Translated by William A.
Drake. Casell and Company, Limited, London, Toronto,
Melbourne ans Sydney, ohne Jahr /1932/.