A241: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 12

right. We could see on itsdtst the winding lrthway leading to
the church, which was now behind us. Over all lay the25hne
and silence.
Friederika and I had not spoken a word the whole way. I felt no
desire to talk, and was perfectly satisfied to wonder with her through
this great stillness.
But at last she broke the silence.
"A fortnight ago to-day she said.
"I hadn't an idea—not the least idea-where I was going.
I did not answer.
"Oh, it's quite too beautiful!" she explained, and seized my
I felt her inclining towards me, and would have like then and
there to take her in my arms and Miss her eyes.
"Yes?" I interrogated softly.
She was silent, and her expression became serious. We had
come to the little cottage that was built on to the lighthouse. Here
the road ended, and we had to turn back. Another path over the
fields led up the steepest part of the hill. I hesitated. “Come
along,” she said.
The way we now took brought the church in full view. We drew
near it. The sun was very hot. I put my arm round Friederika’s
neck, and she was forced to lean close to me or she would have
slid backward down the hill. I st lroked her warm cheeks.
"Why did we never hear from you all that long time?" she asked
—.” She looked up
suddenly. "You might at least have let me
in my face.
¬Why? ” I asked in bewilderment.
" Because you might.”
“But how could I? ”
"Oh, what did that matter? ” she said. “were you offered?”
I was too annexed to find an answer.
Now tell me just what you thought,” she went on.
"What I-
"Yes, or have you forgotten all about it?"
"No. I remember perfectly well. But why do you allude to it?"
"I have often wanted to ask you, "she said.
“Then ask me, ” I answered, profoundly moved.
“You thought it was jancy on my part? Oh, I know you did,
she added quickly when she noticed I was at a loss what to reply,
"but I tell you it was nothing of the kind. I suffered tortures all
that year.”
„Which year?”
“The year you were with us, of course. How can you ask that?
At first I myself but why do I tell you?"
I caught hold of her arm with violence. “Go on, please, go on.
I entreat you. I am so fond of you.