A241: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 32

Yes, Count Andrea?
Coste! Cosini
T'is true. Often when on a journey
As weebed in the open.Andrea read to us--
The Duke longed to hear his voice declaining
From Petrach or from Virgil.
Your versus he knew by heart. His eyes,
would light with pride that such poetic words
Should praise the virtue of his sister,
And that she was betrothed to you, who sang her praises.
Yes, believe me; your versus full of deep devotion
Roused in many of us much feeling,
Not in me, my lord, for I am old,
That while admiring he begrudged your talent,
Longing awake within him, and at such words
Their hopelessness was turned into depair.
The Duke however,more moved than all the others,
Spoke thus to us; the place for such a poet,
Is at his Prince s side, and I thank God,
That He has granted unto me to be that Prince,
And when back to Bologna I shall go
before all others him shall I invite.
My office is to state this truly to you.
In deep concertainty lie the coming days,
And it were brave to dispel all gloom.
The Duke invites you to a special feast
Which is surrounded with danger's red.torches,
And under fateful stars. Therefore,
If it please you,good Filippo, follow me at once.
After a short silence.)
You've come to the wrong place, friend Cosini,
I am no longer he the Duke does seek,
And if I followed his command, I would stand
before him as a traitor. Therefore, and also
For other reasons, if it please you,
I desire to stay away.
each one for himself may prepare a feast,
With the same right, each one a different mind.
(Turning to the others with surprise.)
Your lord-