A241: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 88

Conditions? nothing more remains to be discussed.
Yes, there is, Sire! Even should he not ask more
Than the surety, that for the future there should
Resile in Bologna and in other cities too,
A Papal legate.
That were quite possible, and also more than that!
To the camp he Levited me, to sign the articles
Of peace, with me, as with others,
To more surely seal the new compact,
Goes to Rome, and has me for greater safety
Murdered before the Oates of his city,
As he did our noble cousin of Verona.
All this is possible, but one thing is certain;
That there is not room enough for Cassar Borgia,
And me, upon this earth, and that he is
The stronger. In the midst of this servile Italy,
Which Caesar troads bereath his feet, my Bologna.
Cannot remain free; but ifselquered,
'Twill be easier for it to live in security.
Therefore the sooner I depart, the better.
What is to be, will be, yet nothing compels him,
Who will not look upon it to await it longer.
(As they advance towards the door of Nardi’s dwelling
enter VITTORING, BEATRICE, and behind tn em FRANCESCO.
As they come out of the hallway into the street, they
meet the Duke's touch beaters, and are lighted up with
a full red light. The Duke sees Beatrice and retreats
a step)
There she is
Yes, my Lord, it is the same maid.
(Going to Beatrice)
Do not pass by so quickly, beautiful mainem!
I hope you will not dislain your Duke’s groeting.
Her brother thanks you, Prince for that honor,
In her stead.
(To Beatrice and Vittorino)
come, let us go.