A241: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 116

(starts back alarmed)
Was this needed too? Yet you still hesitate?
Are you possessed with the idea, that you shall die at the
hands of a Hurderer?
Not so. I understand your meaning.
(-takes a word which hangs in Alcove on the wall)
See! It shall be in honorable duel – I will defend myself,
And not just stride out for appearance sake! On Guard!
(drawing his lword)
No, Filippo! My God! I cannot send you to eternity so
Nor priest, nor God himself, would grant me absolution.
(lowers hisqrond)
What weakness palsies thus my good right arm?
This man who stands before me, is not he
I sought, but some poor changeling. My heart rage
Flared suddenly too high, and in the gust
Of this non-surce is extinct. 'Twas he
Who offered insult to our noble house,
And drove my sister mad. I would have slain
Him who had been in happen days, my friend.
Then o er his corse I would have wept for one
Why robbing us of all, gave more, far more,
In former days, than he could ever take from us.
I sought you, Filippo, a felon, yet thought to find you
Brilliant and careless as of old. Godlike, in intellect,
But not as thou art become today. A cringering mortal,
Bowing down in shame-
Am I so changed? What was I in my day
Of grace? Was I a man, so far above my fellows set
That all did reverence,
Paying their hommage 'neath my pedastal?