A241: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 132

Wee is me! Why hast left me so ktterly alone! -- They
What is this? -- Oh!
(Locks out of edow, then tries te hil e herself
behind one of the curtain s.)
To our Prince s wedding, with Beatrice, the most beautiful
maid in Bologna. The ducal doors to the castle, the garden,
all are open to you.
(Voices die away in the distance)
They do not know! But soon they will know.
(She takes up the glass and smalls it)
Oh, if the odor of this wine could kill me.
There is none left, it's gone, forever.
Oh, that it were all over with me, too!
That I were lying there with him, but now,
I must go all alone, yet how?
I cannot overtake him here, I will go
Into the garden, and wi 11 kill myself, thus.
(Makes a gisture as if to strangle herself)
It cannot be so dreadful in the open air, as here.
(Confused voice es in the distance.)
They've come to 18th me. He said that they
would torture me. What have I done?
I do not deserve a felon's death.
They have passed by!
And no one comes, to find me,
No one knows I’m here – I can’t get back!
Why do I stay? Dost hold me here,
I can 't get back.
As if you clutched my dress, and held me fast.
(Looking back at Filippo)
Wilt let go of me? -- You -- You — I -- Filippo
Thou art no more -- Art less than crmbling stone!
I'd give thee all my life
No, no, it cannot be!
If thou couldst wait but for a moment.
(Takes his hand)