A241: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 178

To us, and a kingdom arise.
As mighty and powerful as Rome has become,
To Cosini)
And if in future years we saw it a pile ofSubbish only,
Even though it had flourished greatly, for a thousand years
There'd come a time, when it would fall in runs, as all others.
Men of later days to whom our deeds, are nothing but
Mere words, and who regard us only as those who lie,
Under cold stone raised in commemoration,
Shall like us, his cotemporaries enjoy,
Also with the same smiles and with he same tears,
What he has left us.
He was a messenger,who bore to us,
Theagreetings of a long since vanished world,
To put new life into us,and
To vanquish even death.
During this it grows lighter, and as he speaks the last
denis a messenger enters and speaks to Cosini.)
Sire,a messenger brings news from the tower.
From Garisenda?
Fourth Messenger
Yes,mighty Prince!
It is as if all the thousands about the city had been waked at once
by a command. The streets as far as we can see, the fields, the hille
bristle with armed hosta,and from St.Lueca the stands of Bor-
gia, fly not alone, but those of Naples and of France wve with
them.in the air.
( To Magnani.)
( unter Hifth Messenger.)
And what does this one say?
Prince, he dares not give his message.
And I myself--
I thought it was surely something ill,
There is not much more time left to bewail.
The arrows have reached their mark.