A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 5

(Garden of the Count’s Villa at the back high hence,
portal nearly in the middle, a little to the right.
To the left Fasade of the one story house, formerly
a little elunting ledge, built 180 and lrenovated 30
A shallow terrace with three steps
years ago.
– leading into the garden. From the terrace an open
glass door leads to the drawing-room. The upper
story has simple windows— On top of the firstfloor
is a little balcony with 18lower boxes, belonging to
In front of the house lewn with flower-
an attic.
In front to the right under a tree, garden-
bench, table and chair.)
Count-Elderly gentleman with pray mustache, well
preserved, in his bearing, the former officer, comes
Dressed in niding habit, riding
from the right.
whip in hand, with him a servant.
Servant: When does your Lordship command lunch
Count: (Lighting a big ‘eigar) At two.
Servant: And when shall the carriage be ready,
your Lordship?
Countess— (Appears on the Balcony-Palette and
brush in hand- She calls out to him) "Good-morning
Count* Hello, Mizzi.
blone again
Countess: I had to eat my breakfast again alone,
Where have you been?
quite far. I’ve been riding way beyond
Lovely morning. What are you
Mauer and Rodaun.
When shall we be allowed
Already at work?
to see something?
Countess: Oh, soon Papa- but only flowers- as
Count: Isn’t this the day for your Professor?
Countess: Yes, but he doesn't come until one.
Count: Well, I’ll not disturb you.
Countess: (Blows him a wiss and disappears
into the attic)
Count: (To the servant) What are you waiting
for? Why, yes the carriage, I'll not need it to-day.
Joseph can have a Friday. Oh- wait a minute, (calling)