A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 9

- 5-
Prince: What's strange about?
Count: Well, I’ll tell you. After I left her for the
last time-it was last week- and drove home at night,
I felt, - how shall I say- I felt quite believed. Now,
I thought, you are a free man. Don’t have to go every
single blessed evening to the Mayerhof Street, and sit
down with Lolo to dinner and chat or listen. sometimes
it was really deadly
Compar of the night- and to need an excuse, if for once
you wanted to dine with friends in the Club or to take
your daughter to the Opera- What shall I tell you- I
felt quite tuned up on the way home. I had all kinds
of plans in my head, - Oh, not what you think- No.-
But to travel, as I had wanted to for many years,
Africa or India, as a free man. That is- I would have
taken my little girl- Oh, you dieugh because I speak of
her as my little girl.
Prince: Not at all. Mizzi really looks like a young
girl. Like a very young girl. Last time particularly,
with her big Florentine hat,
Count: Like a young girl, And with all that, she's
exactly as old as Lolo.... You know we are getting
old, Egon, all of us. Yes, and lonely. And really,
at first I didn't realize it, lowly it came to me
the first days after our fairewell feast, - it wasn’t
so bad, only yesterday and the day before, At the
time I used to drive down to her house, and just now
when Peter brought me roses, - for Lolo, of course.-
Then I knew that I was a widower for the second time
in my life. And now it s over-for ever
loneliness.... it s upon me.
Prince: Nonsense: Loneliness.
Count: Excuse me, but you don't understand,
have lived such a different life. You haven’t en-
tered into any relations since your wife died ten
years ago.- No serious relations of course, I mean-
And then, in a certain way you have had your pro-
Prince: Profession?
Count: Well, Member of Parliament.
Prince: Oh, yes,
Count: And you were nearly appointed Minister twice.
Prince: Yearly.
Count: Who knows. Perhaps they'll get you some day,
but it's all over with me. Three years ago I took
my leave, old ass that I am.