A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 14

Prince: thank you, Mizzi. You are hard at work?
Countess: I paint my little flowers.
Count: Don’t be too modest, Mizzi. You know her professor
said only the other day, she ought to show some of her work
in public. No reason for hiding it.
Countess: Maybe, but I've no ambition.
Prince: Well, as to exhibiting, I wouldn’t think of that
You are at the mercy of every journalist.
Countess: That applies to Members of Parliament as well.
That is, if they speak.
And we others? Are we safe? They stick their
Count :
nose in everything.
Prince: Well, after the fashion of today, many people
would iluse your paintings, Mizzi, simply because you are
a Countess.
Count: He's right there.
Servant: (Comes) Your Lordship is asked to the telephone.
Count: Who is it? What's the matter?
Se rvant: If Your Lordship would be kind enough to come
Count: You’ll excuse me a minute.(Aside to the Prince)
Tell her now while I’m gone. That’s better. (Goes)
Countess: The telephone....... Has Papa a new entanglement-
Prince: New?
Countess: Lolo used to call him up about this time- But
it s all over with Lolo. You know?
Prince: I heard it just now.
Countess: And what do you say, Prince Egon? I'm sorry
If he ctarts something new, he'll got into a mess. And
I'm afraid he'll do it. He's too young for his years.
Prince: Yes, yes.
Countess: (Looking at him) By the way, you've not been out
here for a long time.
Prince: I suppose't you didn't miss me particularly. Your
art.... And the Lord knows what else.......
Countess: (Simply) Even so.