A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 18

in divinie judgment? And even then the result would have been
questionable. Because we poor mortals never know how He above
us thinks about such things.
You'd talk difficulty in Parliament, -If your
voice were ever heard there.
Prince: Possibly. The essential remains, that honesty and
daring wouldn't have been of the slightest use to us. A
useless cruelty to people, that we loved. How could we have
gained the Pope’s dispensation? – And apart from that, the
Princes’s would never have consented to a diverse, you know that
as well as I.
Countess: As if I'd had theolightest desire to many you.
Prince: Oh, -
I said the
Countess: No. That isn't new to you, is it?
same to you then. You don’t grasp how, at that time(Looking
at him). What you could have made of me. I would have
I, and our
followed you everywhere, even as your mistress.
child. To Switzerland, to America. We might have lived any¬
And perhaps in Parliament they wouldn’t have even
noticed your absence
Prince: Why, of course, we might have fled and lived some¬
where outside, but I doubt whether now even you
would think such an existence desirable or even bearable.
because now I know you. But then
Countess: Not now, no.
loved you. And perhaps I might have loved you for a very
long time, if you hadn’t been too great a toward to take the
responsibility of what happened. - Too great a toward, Prince
Prince: whether that’s just the right expression.....
Countess: Yes, there is no other. You didn’t find me wanting.
with pride,
I was ready, to take everything on myself- With joy,
I was ready to declare myself as my child’s mother. You knew
it, Egon. Seventeen years ago, in the little forest lodge
where you hid me, I told you, that I was ready for everything.
But not for half measures. I wanted to be a mother— But wholly
or not at all. On the day I had to give up the boy, I made up
my mind never to think of him again. And I think it ridicu¬
lous of you to bring him out here all of a sudden. take my
advice, go and meet him, as Papa did with Lolo, and drive back
home with him.
Prince: I have no such intention. After what you told me
just now, I see that his mother must remain dead. But I must
I have adopted
care for him all the more. He s my son, opening,