A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 38

their step.
Count: Well, thanks very much. (Returns the roses to him.)
The Prince (enters through the main gate.)
Count (goes towards him).
Gardener: How do you do, your honor?
Prince: Good morning, Peter,
Gardener (leaves right)
Prince (In light summer suit, slender, 55 years old, but
looks a bitburnger. Talks with the easy account of a gentleman
of culture.)
Count: How are you, old friend. How's everything...How goes
Prince: thanks, very well. Wondertweather today.
Count: (offers him airgantic eigar.)
Prince: No thanks, not before luncheon. I'll have one of
my eigarettes if you don’t mind. (Takes aselberettte from his eig¬
arette case and lights it.)
Count: And so you haven’t forgotten a man all together. Do
you know how long it really has been since you’ve been here? Three
Prince: (Looking up at the studio) Is it really that long?
Count: Some now, what makes you such a stranger around here?
Prince: Don't be angry with me. I admit it’s true. And
I'm only here to say good-tye to you.
Count: What? Good-tye?
Prince: Yes, tomorrow I'm going away.
Count: You are going away? Where to?
Prince: To the seashore. And you...have you no plans as yet?
Count: I haven’t thought about it at all.....the year...
Prince: Well yes, it's so wonderful out here...the great park
...But still you will go somewhere for the summer.
Count: I don't know yet. It doesn't make any difference.
Prince: What's the matter with you?
Count: Dear old friend, we're going downhill.