A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 50

him here to me. If you will allow me to give you some good advice,
got out to meet him too, just as Papa is doing with Lolo, and
return home with him.
Prince: I haven’t the slightest intention of doing that.
After all that I have had to hear from you again, I must certainly
maintain that his mother is dead. But all the more must I take
his part. He is my son, before the world too. I have adopted him.
Countess: You have adopted him!...
Prince: Perhaps by tomorrow he will bear my name. I shall
present him wherever I like. Naturally first of all to my old friend,
the Count, your father. If it is unpleasant for you to see the young
man, there will remain nothing for you to do but to retire to your
room during his visit.
If you think that I find your one very keppropriate...
Prince: As little as your ill humor.
Countess: Ill humor? Do I look ill humored? Listen to that...
I only allow myself to find your idea in pooröste. Otherwise I
am in as good a humor as usual.
Prince: Of your otherwise good humor I have no doubt. Only
now...Besides, it is far from unknown to me that you have long ago
iuarned how to become reconciled to your fate. I have understood
too, how to reign myself to mine, which perhaps in its way was just
asGainful as yours,
What? To what fate did you...Not everyone can
become minister.... An yes,.. Theemark has to do with the fact that
his Highness did me the honor ten years ago, after the death of
his late lamented spouse, to ask me for my hand.
Prince. And seven years ago again, if you will be kind enough
to recall it.
Oh yes, I remember. I have never had cause to
doubt my memory.
Prince: And I hope, Mizzi, you have never considered that
courtship was in any way connected with the desire to right a
wrong. I asked you to be my wife because I was convinced that I
could attain real happiness only at your side.
Countess: Real happiness!... You would have been mistaken.
Prince: Now I think too that at that time I was mistaken.
Ten years ago it was too early. Perhaps seven years ago too. But
not now anymore.
Countess: Now too, dear Prince. It is your fate that you
have never known me, never understood anything about me. Not when I
loved you, not when I bated you, and not even during the long years
during which you have been indifferent to me.
Prince: I have always known you, Mizzi. I know more about