A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 109

FLOR. Just you wait a minute, that's nothing so far.
(drops suddenly into a chair, his features
seem tyisted with pain and he roll s his eyes)
Why, Good Heavens! Thats - that s -
breaking off his memory for a moment)
Well, who?
the tiler who died the day before
Why, bed 17;
yesterday. Some you just stop it. It's not proper.
Why my dear Mrs. Paschanda d'you suppose that one of
our trade is here in hospital for nothing? One can
learn something here.
NURSE. Here's the doctor coming. (exit into the ward-- as she
pulls back the curtain, Halmschlöger and Tann can
be seen at the far end)
Yes, Mr. Rademacher,
you see I am carrying on my
studies in here.
one of the profession
Yes for a man of our trade theres some advantage
in lying in hospital.
Perhaps you think I cant
make use of that because I play comic parts?
Wrong! Thats just the uovery Ive made, Mr.
Rademacher. (with empha sis) In every individual's
features even when they are sad or marked with pain,
his cheerful expression can be guessed by real
actor's intuition. When Ive seen a man die I can
tell precisely how he could look just after hearing
good jobe. – – But what is the matter, Mr. Rade¬
Cheer up!
Dont lo se your spirits!
Look at me Eh? a week ago I was given up for lost
not only by the professionals, which wouldn’t have
been so terrible, but even by myself!
And now Im
as cheerful as a cricket.
And in another week - -
your most humble servant. Then it will be "Farewell,"
thou peaceful dwelling!"
And with that I take the
liberty of inviting your Excellency to my first
night. (He compts)
Oh come, that s hardly possible.
I anit strange if we two had kept well and strong,
we might easily have been at daggers drawn.
How d’you mean?
douy a part
Why I should have been acting in a coming and
you would have cut me up in a critique, and Ive
alway shated people who cut me up. And as it is
weve grown to be the best of friends. Now look
full such a long
here, Mr. Rademacher, a week ago did/Ileek as
meerable as you did? are doing
Perhaps there is a good deal of difference between
the two cases.
All one needs is a strong will. D’you
know how Ive recovered?
gazes at him).