A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 112

(to Rade, with some impatience)
One moment,
What is it you want?
quite Griefly.
Now. please,
I must speak to a friend, without fail. A Mr.
Weihga st - Alexander Weihgast.
Do you mean the well-known writer of that
Ye s.
He is a friend of your s?
He was, he was, in earlier days.
Then write him a postcard.
What use is that to me?
He will not find me.
I must speak to him this very day, at once.
Mr. Rademacher it is out of the
(dec Sively)
question, and there's an end of it.
To set your mind at rest I will send a message to-day
to Mr. Weihgast, whom I happen to know personally and
give him the chance of looking you up tomorrow at
any hour you please.
Doctor? (suddenly)then you
You know Mr. Weihgast,
bring him here, you bring him here.
Now took here, look here, Mr. Rademacher, one really
doesn’t know — -
Doctor, Of course I know it
(In great excitement)
is present uous to ask it, but after all, you are a man,
Not like so many
and look at things in a human way.
others who judge everything by rule of thumb. And
you know, Doctor, here is someone who has to die
to-morrow and he has still one wish which matters to
him infinitely, and I can give him what he wishes -
Go to him, and bring him
I entreat you, Doctor.
back here.
(Waver s) looks at his watch) Y-e-s, but even if I
could consent to do so, consider Mr. Rademacher, how
can I expect it-at such a late hour,"why, really,
is such an extraordinary notion. think it over for
your self.
If you say
Oh, Doctor, I know my friend Weihgast,
to him that his old friend Rademacher is dying in the
General Hospital and wants to see him once more, -.
I beg you, Doctor.
oh he will not let that stip by,
For you it is nothing more than an errand, is it?
And for me, for me,
Of course for me it has no
Why that’s just it.
importance, but for you, yesfor you, the emotion
might have the worst results.
Doctor, Doctor, after all we are men; it doesn't
matter to an hour one way or the other.
Now, now, now. (After & rapid refectio)
(Soothingly )
will go there then.