A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 116

10 -
me, I longed to about it into your face.
(CONTD)My good friend, not only I and thousand sothers
know what you really are - - your dear wife too
know s you better than you suppose and saw through you
as long as twenty years ago — — in the fl ower of
your youth and of your successes – — - yes, saw
through you, and I know that better than any man...
for she was my mistress for two years,
and a hundred times she came running to me, in
diegust at your nullity and reptiness, and wanted to
sickened by
run away from it with me. But I was poor and she
was towardly, and so she went on living with you
It was more
and was unfaithful to you!
convenient for us all.
„Villain, you are lying!"
I? (As it were making up) Oh yes.......... you
In case he doe snt
Jacobwerth, you have the key.
believe me the letters are in the deck too.
are to be executor of my will. – - besides, in
my deck there are tressures of many kinds- -
who knows, perhaps nothing more is needed to bring
out their value than that I should be dead. -
Yes, then people will begin to think about me.
And especially then they hear of my having died
penniless and wattched - - for I am dying penniless
and wattched as I have lived. And there will be
of make a speech.
Yes, you take
someone to say a word/over my grave.
My word for it - - standfastness - - ability - -
from me
a martyr to his profession.... yes that the truth
Florian Jackwerth, ever since Ive had a profession
have been a martyr to it; from the very beginning
have been a martyr to my profession.
And do you
know what it is that is finding me?
Do you think
it is those Latin syllables written on the chart
It/ie frem bitterness at
there? Not much!
having had to bow down before people whom I disposed,
for the sake of a job.
It is the loathing of
having had to write things I never believed so as
It is the anger at having had to
not to starve.
turn out copy for the most abominable exploiters
who got their money by knavery and fraud, and that
with my talent I helped them to go on with it.
It true that I ought not to complain: Ive
always had my share of contempt and hatred for the
mob-but not mx share of anything el se, wor se luck.
(Enters ) Here is the Doctor,
(Alarmed) Alone?
NURSE. No, there is a gentleman with him.
RADE. (Gives her a look full of gratitude)
What akeme that I
FLOR. Now pull yourself together.
(he then slips out)
cant be there!
HALM. Well heres the patient.
WEIH. (An elegantly dressed, very well preserved man of
about 55, with a greybeard, dark overcoat and
rühring alking stick.)