A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 136

Of course you will.
If I do get well—if I ever set foot outside of this hospital
again I swear I'll begin all over again.—
Begin what?
I’ll begin the fight again—I than’t give up yet.—I'm
not so old. Only 54, that's no age at all when a man is well
and strong. And I am Somebody, Florian Jackwerth, I am Some-
body, you can believe it. But I've had hard luck. I'm as
good as many another who sides the high horse, my dear sir.
I can measure myself with many another who thinks he's greater
than I just because he’s beenitsky. (Feverishly) If he only
comes—if he only comes—oh Lord God I pray you—even if
you have let me shift for myself these 54 years, I pray you
give me strength for this last half hour, strength to even
up as well as I can. Let me see him sitting there before me¬
pale, crusted--as small now before me as he has felt himself
superior all his life— Yes my dear Jackwerth,the man I am
waiting for is a friend of my youth. Twenty-five years ago
--even twenty years ago--we were fond of one another for
we had begun at the same level. But we went different ways--
he,sdunting higher and higher--and I,ernking lower and
lower. And today he is rich and desmous and I am a poor civil
of a journalist dying in a public hospital. But what does
that matter--what does that matter! now that the moment has
come when I can crush him to the earth—and I will orush him-
if he only comes—if he only comes. That was your love who