A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 139

ready to run off with me. But I was poor and she was a Apart,
and so she stayed with you – – and received you. It was easier that
way for all of us.
(Acting) "Ha! wulch! you lie!
I? (As if awakening) Ah,—yes. You take the key, Jackwerth.
If he won’t believe me the letters are in my desk. You shall be
my executor. There are many things in my desk—some treasure
perhaps. Who knows, it may be only necessary for me to die to
have them appointed. Yes then they'd make a fuss about me--
especially when it is known that I died inDievity and misery--
for I am dying in [poverty] and misery as I have lived. Then
there’ll be species over my grave—you will hear them talk
about devotion to duty--great ability--a victim to his profession.
Yes that's true. Florian Jackwerth, as long as I've had any pro¬
fession I've been its victim. And do you know what is killing
me? No--not those latin names on the board up there. O no.
What is killing me is the blitterness of having to bow to people
I despise, having to today to them for a position:-- 24/4th diegust
at having to write things I did not believe, to keep myself from
starving: anger that I had to grind out stuff for infamous slave-
drivers who had stolen and swindled a fortune together and that I
had to help them do it with my talent. But I can't complain. I've
always gotten my share of the general contempt and hatred for
them—my share of that but of nothing else.
(Nurse comes from C.)
The doctor's coming back.