Periedicale containing Articles on Schnitaler hinself or his work
Journal of English and Germanio Philology (Urbana, Illincie).
1923, XXII, 276-611. The question of
Moral Responsibility in the Dramatic
Works of Schnitzler - Selma Koehler,
Monatshefte für deutschen Unterricht (Madison, Wisconsin)
Jan. 1929, XXI, no. 1, 6-10
A. Schnitzler - Wm. Diemond.
Oct. 12, 1916, OIII, 342- R44
Nation, The
naturalism and Fiction - P.M. Buck
May 10, 1921, exII, 703 (1/8)
Schnitsler's Sixtieth Birthdsy
Oct. 9, 1915, IV, 263-264
New Republio
Plays of Schnitzler.
(New York) Nov. 191E, CXCVI, 635-645
NortAmerioan Reviev
A. Schnitzler - A. Henderson
*Jan.-Feb. 1912, XXIII, 25-41,
Poet Lore (Boston)
Schnitsler as a Uriter - Grummann
Winter (Dec.) 1928, xxxIX, 573-is81
The World of Schnitzler - I. George March
Texas Review (Austin Texas) July, 1920, V, 294-307
Schnitsler's Dramatie Work-Josephlicley
July, 1912, xVI, p.XI
The Work of Schnitzler-Amelia von Ende
Periedicale containing Articles on Schnitaler hinself or his work
Journal of English and Germanio Philology (Urbana, Illincie).
1923, XXII, 276-611. The question of
Moral Responsibility in the Dramatic
Works of Schnitzler - Selma Koehler,
Monatshefte für deutschen Unterricht (Madison, Wisconsin)
Jan. 1929, XXI, no. 1, 6-10
A. Schnitzler - Wm. Diemond.
Oct. 12, 1916, OIII, 342- R44
Nation, The
naturalism and Fiction - P.M. Buck
May 10, 1921, exII, 703 (1/8)
Schnitsler's Sixtieth Birthdsy
Oct. 9, 1915, IV, 263-264
New Republio
Plays of Schnitzler.
(New York) Nov. 191E, CXCVI, 635-645
NortAmerioan Reviev
A. Schnitzler - A. Henderson
*Jan.-Feb. 1912, XXIII, 25-41,
Poet Lore (Boston)
Schnitsler as a Uriter - Grummann
Winter (Dec.) 1928, xxxIX, 573-is81
The World of Schnitzler - I. George March
Texas Review (Austin Texas) July, 1920, V, 294-307
Schnitsler's Dramatie Work-Josephlicley
July, 1912, xVI, p.XI
The Work of Schnitzler-Amelia von Ende