A239: Englischsprachige Arbeiten über Schnitzler, Seite 93

All dates refer to 1929
Nov. 24, p10-R
Ner York Amerieen
Nov. 9, pltä-M. Reviev by Edvin Seaver
New York Evening Post
Sept. 7, Review by S. Spewack
New York Evening Telegram
New York ISrald Tribune-Book Seotion-Aug. 25, p7, Review
Babette Deutsch (Portrait) (1000 w)
Sept. 9. Review
New York Sun
Aug. 25, The nature Schnitsler
New York World
Beston Transcript Book Section-Nov. 13, p Brief Review (220 w)
Dec. 11, LX, no. 784 p76, Brief
New Republie
Review by H.G.
Feb. 1930 XVII, no. 2 pp. 193,194
Menorah Journal
Sept. 1929, 70, XIV, Sutton to be
congratulated on hisusslation
which fhithfully keep to the spirit
of the original.
Outlock and Independent (New York) -Sept. 4, CLIII, no. 1, p28,29
Review by Mary Shirley (320 w
Back of the Month Club Newe-Sept. 1929
Sept. 7. Review by Harry Hansen
fa imea a ikke
Sept. 15. Review by Fred. Daniel
Atlanta Journal
Enickerbocker Press (Albany, N.Y.)-Sept. 15, Review by H.E.Christman
Flein Desler (Cleveland, O.) -Sept. 8, Review by G.R.S.
Sept. 26, p10. Review by Frank Astron
Cinsinnati Post
Sept. 29, p4. Review by McCready Huston
South Send news-oude
Dec. 7. Review by John Bright
Post-Pasadena, Cal.)
Nov. 17, Revien by Fred.R. Meyer
Pitteburgh Press
M.S.-A Magasine for Studento of Greative Nriting-Deo. 1929, p6-7
Review by L. Gilkes
July 28, Reviow and Portrait
Seacon (Wiehita, Kansas)