A241: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 83

I know of no man better fitted for the office.
However much my Prince honors me with his favor,
Isersture to speak a bold word.
before all
other things the wish moves me,
On a day which like to-morrow shall break for us,
To be at the side of my dear Prince
I'd voice it not, did I not know who to name,
Whom the decref
of fate had singled out,
To stay in this good city, when we go forth.
You mean Andrea.
No other,Sire!
His mother died, and his sister, they say
Has fallen into a sort of dubt delusion.
I beg you, Sire, leave him in myernad at home!
That can I not. I must have him by me
On a day, such as to-morrow brings.
I love Andrea more than you,Magnani, -
Do not think ill of me, you are very dear to me!
The young Countess shall not remain alone.
For if Andrea will follow my advice,
To-day he will med her to the young man whom she lives.
Not in spite of her mother's death.
But because she died. It is not fit
To mourn at such a time; Ruars too are quickly dried
When youth has a hope marfilled.
I shall myself, bless this union-
In weleome fashion, not with princely honor,
No, but as a friend great Filippo.
Let's back to the Castle! There we shall awai him
With many others, whom we haveummoned
To this wonderful - motley kestival, tonight,
Which celebrates our return and our absence,
And I will meet and know Filippo Loschi.
They come further down stage.)
Is this not the same street,Malvezzi?
The street of Azeglio, Sire! (Laughing) The same
And this the house before which the beauty stood.