A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 27

- 23 -
Lolo: How beautiful it is. Ours can’t compare with it.
(They come both to the front-left side)
Countess. You have a garden too?
Lolo: Of course. We have our ancestral castle out in
the suburbs. Already Wasner s great-grandfather was a
carriage, owner. Isn’t it lovely out here? Those flowers
hanging down? I'll have to arrange something like it in
our place.
Count: (Uneasily) What are the ladies doing over there?
Countess: Never mind, Papa. I explained the fassade
of our little castle to Miss Pallestri.
And do you receive ladies of the stage out
here often, Count?
Count: No, not exactly. That's rather by chance.
(Count, Prince and Phillip go in the invisible part
of the garden)
Countess: (To Lolo) Isn't it strange, that I've never
had a chance to speak to you before to-day? I'm very
glad, it s come at last.
Lolo: (Thanking her with a glance) And I, Countess-
Of course I knew you by sight. I often looked up to
the box.
Countess: Not to me.
Lolo: Oh, that’s all over new.
Countess: You know.I'm a little grived for him.
Lolo: Grieved?
I know how attached
Countess: It will be hard on him.
he was to you. Even if he never told me.
Lolo: Wen’t you believe, Countess, that it was hard for
me too? But say yourself- what else could I do?
know I'm a little passee and at last you want to live in
It was all right as long as I had my
Then I was free to have- What do
settled conditions.
you say— To profess more liberal views, It kind of belong-
profession, of course.
ed to my station. But now- after retiring into private
life, would it look a bit nice?
Countess: Yes, I see, perfectly well. But he- What
about him?