A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 26

- 22 -
Prince: My dear old friend, here he is,my son Phillip.
Phillip: It’s a great honor,Count.
Count (Shakes hands) Weloome, in my house. Lock on it as
your own. There is no need of an.introduction, evidently.
Countess: No. Papa.
Count: (A little subscribe) It’s faireing of you, to
call, Miss. Pallestri. Tou know how I always admired
you. But tell me, how did you come? I took my walk
just now on the principal street, where all the car-
raiges have to pass. and I didn’t see you.
Lolo: Why, Count, what do you think? No more carraiges
for me. I came, of course, by train-as I should.
Count: I see- But I hear that your france himself-
Lo 10: Yes. But naturally he has marter passangers than
o have the pleasure to drive out with
Phillip: I happen-o
Miss. Pallestrins fiance.
Count: Wasner drives you? If that doesn't beat every¬
Well- niychological connection (offering him a
Kave a eigar?
Phillip: ( ecepting) Thank you.
Prince: But, Phillip, such a big eigar before luncheon?
Count: Excellent. That's the healthiest thing. I like
you. Let s sit down. (Prince, Count and Phillip sit down-
Countess, Lolo stand near) And to-morrow you leave with
your father?
Phillip: Yes, Count. I'm looking forward to it tremen-
Count: How long do you stay?
Prince: That depend s.
Phillip: Tho First of October I must be back for my year
in the army.
Prince: And I might possibly go further South.
Count: That’s a new plan. Where?
Prince: (Looking at the Countess) Egypt, Perhaps the
Soudan afterwards, for a little hunting.
Countess (to Lolo) I want to show you the Park.