A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 53

Countess (laughs).
Philip: That's still left over from my exams. When I'm as old as...
(Stops) Pardon me...I only mean—next year it'11 all be gone. That
Kaiser Leopold was such a good friend of ours. I naturally did not know
when I learned his dates.
Countess: This nd iscovery seems to amuse you euormously, Philip.
Philip: Discovery...But frankly speaking, it was not really a dis¬
covery. (Look at the prince.)
Prince: Go[n]go on.
Philip: Well then, Countess, do you know – I have always had the
feeling that I was not born Philip Radeiner.
Countess: Radeiner? (To the Prince) Under this name....?
Prince: Yes.
Philip: Natural I was very pleased when my suspicion was con¬
fimed; but I had always known it. One isn’t born blind, you know. And
some of them in school suspected...that I..Don't you think, Countess,
that this fable that Prince Ravenstein went to Krems to inquire about
the progress of the son of a dead friend—that that was a little rom¬
antic....Dime novel.... And the been ones saw quite clearly, that princely
25.10. And since I was one of^keenest...
Countess: Yes, it really seems...What plans have you for the
future, Philip?
In October I shall have my year with the volunteers, in
the Sixth Dragoons where we Ravensteins always serve. What I shall do
later, whether I shall remain in the service or become an Archbishop
will naturally, with time...
Yes, that would perhaps be the best. The Ravensteins
have always been strong in faith.
Philip: Yes, that’s even a historical fact. At first they were
Catholic, in the Thirty years' War they became Protestant, then they
returned to Catholicism. But strong in faith they were at all times.
It was only always a different faith.
Prince: Philip, Philip!
Countess: Yes, these are the new times, Prince Egon.
Prince: And the mother's blood.
Countess: You have been very industious, your father tells me,
passed your examinations with distinction.
Philip: That was no art, Countess. I have always learned up
things rather quickly. That is probably the bourgeois blood in me.
even had time for all sorts of things outside of the "presoribed' curriculum."