A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 60

Prince(stands up) Listen, dear Wasner. You can take your
bride home in your carriage. I'll take my son home in mine.
Wasner: Your son...
Philip: Why didn't you tell me that you are engaged, Wasner?
Radeiner. Vasner: Excellency didn't tell me anything either. Baron von
Count: (To Lolo) Well then, thanks again for your kind visit,
and the very best of everything to you.
Lolo: And to you too, Count. certainly, with such a daughter.
Countess: Too bad that we didn't know each other before.
Lolo: Really,Countess.
Countess: Dear Miss Lolo, again the best of everything. (She
embraces her)
Count: (Amafed and somewhat moved)
Lolo: Well, then, Count; thank you for your kind reception...
and now...adieu!
Count: Adieu, Miss Langhuber. May you be happy...May you
be happy, Lolo.
Lolo (gets into the carriage that has driven up.)
Wasner (on the ariver's box, hat in hand. They ride away)
Countess: (nods after them)
Count (deep in thought)
Philip and Prince ( mo forward)
Philip: Dear Bad, I see through the whole affair.
Prince: You do?
Philip: This Miss Lolo is the natural daughter of the Count,
therefore the sister of the Countess--her fostersister.
Prince: Step-sister we call it. But go on, diplomat.
Philip: And both of them love you, naturally. The Count-
ess and the ballet danger. And this wedding between theinncer and
Wasner is your work.
Prince: Only go on.
Philip: You,Lead... I've just thought of it this moment!
Prince: Of what?