A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 59

Lolo: I said no. It would've done no good. I as Countess!
Can you imagine that? I as your step-mama, Countess. Then we could
n't be chatting together so cozily as now.
Countess: If you only knew how I like you...
Lolo: But I don't want to make myself any better than I am.
Who knows if I still would not...
Countess: What?
Lolo: The thing is this: I've fallen so madly in love with
You won’t think ill of me for that, will you? There has
been nothing at all in all the eighteen years, of which I could complain
in your father. But it is no wonder if passion cools a bit with time.
And rather than do anything against your father...No, no, Countess...
for that I owe your father xxxh too much gratitude...Heavens!
Countess: What's the matter?
Lolo: There he is, looking in.
Countess (looks)
Wasner (At the gate, raises his high silk hat)
Lolo: Now isn't that too silly, Countess? When I see him
suddenly like that, I always get palpitation of the heart. Yes, when
an old one gets it, then it's the worst.
Countess: Old? You call yourself old? There can’t be a
very great difference between us.
Lolo: Well yes. (Grök)
Countess: I am thirty-seven. But don't look so sympathically,
There is no cause. absolutely none.
at me.
Lolo: (comforted) One hours all sorts of tales, Countess...I
naturally didn't believe them. Well, thank the Lord, that it’s
true. (press hands)
Countess: I should like toiengratulate your fiance at once,
if you will allow me to.
Lolo: Now if that isn’tleherming...But if the Count...perhaps
he wouldn't like it.
Countess: Dear Miss Lolo, I have always been accustomed to
do what I please. (Both to the entrance)
Wasner: How do you do, Countess.... (In the meantime Count,
Prince and Philip again appear).
Count: (To the Prince) Lock at that.
Wasner: Good day, Count; how do you do, Excellency.