A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 65

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Countess: Yes, I shall hardly be able to-day... I feel a little
Professor: Really...You are a little pale too, Maria.
Countess: Do you think so?
Professor: How long will you remain away?
Countess: Perhaps till autumn...perhaps till very late autumn.
Professor: So that we shall not be able to resume our lessons
till November?
Countess: (smiling) I don't believe so.
Professor: You don’t believe so? (Look at each other)
Countess: I don't believe so...
Professor: So then...I am discharged, Maria.
Countess: How can you express yourself like that, Rudolph?
It is really not very nice.
Professor: I beg your pardon. It just came a little more
duickly than I expected.
Countess: Better, than when it comes too slowly. Don't you
think so?
Professor: I am far from reproaching you, child.
Countess: And really you have no grounds for reproach. Wasn't
it beautiful? (Offers him her hand.
Will you be kind enough to say
Professor: (Kisses her hand)
farewell to the Count?
Countess: You are going immediately...?
Professor: (Lightly) Isn’t that the best?
Countess: (After a cause, looking into his eyes.) I think
(They press hands)
Professor: Farewell, Maria.
Countess: Farewell...Remember me to your wife and the children.
Professor: thanks, I shall, Countess. (Leaves)
Countess: (Remains standing a while, looking after him.)
Count: (On the terrace) everything is arranged. Tomorrow
evening, trains leaves nine-thirty, West Station. Where is the
Countess: I sent him away.