A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 57

You yourself know how I always have demired you.. But tell me, how did/
come out? I walked along the main road where all the carraages go by,
and yet I didn't see you at all.
What do you think? Carilage time
Lolo: Cartainly not, Count.
is over for me now. Naturally,I came out with the train, as is
proper for me.
Count: Ah yes...But as I hear, your france is himself...
Lolo: Yes, but naturally he has finer passages than I.
Philip: I had the pleasure ofinting out with Miss Lolo's
fiance myself.
Count: You ride with Wasner? How everything hangs together...
Yes, yes. asychological leannections... (Offers him a eigar) ‘Von’t
gou have a cigar?
Philip: (Taking one) thanks very much.
But Philip! Such a huger before luncheon!
Count: Excellent. Best thing for the health. I like a
chap like you. "Shan’t we sit down? (Prince, Count, Philip sit down.
Countess, Lolo, remain standing quite near.)
Count: So tomorrow you are going away with your father?
Philip: Yes, Count. And Won't it be great!
Count: Are you staying away long?
Prince: That depends on various conditions.
Philip: On the first of October, I must join ranks.
Prince: And then I shall go further South.
Count: That is the very latest. But where to?
Prince: (Locks at the Countess) Egypt, then perhaps to the
for alittle hunting.
Countess: (To Lolo) wouldn’t you like to see the park?
Lolo: Yes; it’s beautiful. Ours can’t be compared to it.
(They come forward to the left)
Countess: And have you a garden around your house, too?
Lolo: Naturally. We too have an ancestral castle... In
Ottakring. Even Wasner’s great grandfather owned a livery stable.
Now isn’t that pretty! How the flowers hang down there. I’ll
have to a range them like that in my place too.
Count: (restessly) Why do the ladies keep away so long?