A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 58

Countess: It’s all right, papa. I’m only explains the façade
of the house to Miss Lolo.
Philip: Do ladies from the Theater come to see you very often,
Count: No.
This is an accident! (They walk along chatting
unseen, in the near of the garden.)
Countess: (To Lolo) How strange it is that today is the very
first time that I have the opportunity of speaking with you, Miss
I am so happy to be able to do so.
Lolo: (With a thankful look) And I, too, Countess.
known you for a long time by sight, naturally. I often used to look
up into your box.
Countess: But not at me.
Lolo: Well, that's over now.
Countess: Do you know, Miss Lolo, I'm really a little sorry--
for his sake.
Lolo: Sorry?
Countess: It will be a hard blow for him. I know best how
attached he is to you. Even if he has never told me anything,
Yes, Countess, don’t you think it’s hard for me too?
But I ask you, Countess, what else is there left for one to do? I am
not one of the Ioungest anymore, you know. And after all, one does
want to live properly. As long as I had a profession, I could allow
myself—how shall I say it—to cherish freer opinions. To a certain
extent it belonged to my position. But now, when I am retiring to
suivate' life, how would it look?
Countess: Yes, I understand that perfectly. But what will
he do now?
Lolo: Perhaps he will many. I tell you, Countess, there are
still many who would give their right hand...Don't you think, Countess,
that it was a hard decision for me?
Countess: Do you know what I thought at times? That perhaps
he had the idea of making you his wife.
Lolo: Yes, he wanted to, Countess.
Countess: What?
Lolo: Do you know when he asked me for the last time,
Countess? Not four weeks ago.
Countess: And you said no?