A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 63

would really..do you know, without you...You needn't look at me
like that...I know that I didn't trouble about you all these years
as I shghid...
Countess: (taking his hand) But Papa, you aren’t going to
apologize? I understand it perfectly.
Count: Yes! But don't you see,- without you there will
be no pleasure for me in the whole journey. And what do you want
to do here alone. Point all day?
The thing is only this... The Prince has asked me
for my hand.
Count: What? Is it possible? But go on...And.. And you
Countess: More or less.
Count: Ah. Well yes...After all I have never talked you
As you think...But really I don’t know why not.
into anything.
have long noticed that he... In age you are not bodily matched. And
as for other conditions...Sixty millions aren’t exactly a thing to
despise. But as you wish.
Countess: (Is silent)
Count: Or us it perhaps because of the boy? I really think
that would be exaggeration. Such things happen in the best families.
And especially when his wife always had trouble with her heart...
Juddenly one is drawn into such affairs... without knowing oneself
Countess: And one deserts a poor working girl and lots her
Count: Please--that only happens in books. How could he
help that? These creatures unfortunately die early. And who knows
that if she hadn’t died, if he would not...I really find it very fine
of him, what he has done about the boy. One needs courage for that.
I could tell you of some...Well, let's not talk about it...But if
that is the only thing that speaks against him.. And besides, be¬
ing together in Ostend doesn't bind you in any way.
Countess: That's true.
Counte Well then. I’ll tell you what. You just come with
If you like it, stay. If not, then perhaps you can go over to
I only mean, there's no sense in your
London to your Aunt Lori.
letting me go off alone.
Countess: Very well then.
Count: What?
Countess: I'm going with you, Papa But without any ob¬
ligation. In absolute freedom.
Count: You are going with me?